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Beer Myths You Need to Forget

Les mythes sur la bière que vous devez oublier

Beer is arguably one of the oldest and most beloved beverages in the world. Yet it remains surrounded by many misconceptions that persist to this day. From prejudices about color determining taste to myths about calories, it’s time to set the record straight. Craft breweries are pushing the boundaries of creativity every day, offering beers that defy expectations and shake up certainties. A Light IPA with citrus notes? A non-alcoholic beer bursting with tropical flavors? These bold creations prove that it’s high time to shake off the clichés and rediscover this age-old beverage in a new light. The richness of craft flavors invites us to explore beyond preconceived notions to discover all the complexity and diversity that beer has to offer.

Color Doesn't Make Flavor: Deconstructing the First Myth

Beyond Appearances: The Complexity of Clear Beers

The idea that a light beer is necessarily light in taste is one of the most persistent myths in the brewing world. Speakeasy , a refreshing 4% Light IPA, defies all prejudices with its burst of citrus. Its light color hides a precise combination of Cascade and Mandarina Bavaria hops that give it a strong personality despite its lightness.

Zepp' also perfectly illustrates this complexity. This Craft Lager, inspired by the Bavarian Pilsner style, reveals delicate floral aromas reminiscent of a spring bouquet. With each sip, it transports you to the banks of the Isar in Munich, proving that a clear beer can offer a rich and memorable taste experience.

Malts and hops: the true architects of taste

The secret to a beer lies not in its color, but in the art of combining ingredients. Craft brewers orchestrate this symphony of flavors like composers, creating flavor profiles that transcend color preconceptions.

The Double Oat is the perfect example. This 8% Double IPA offers a real exotic slap with its mango notes and its indecent length in the mouth. Its unique smoothness comes from a cleverly worked malt base, demonstrating that aromatic power is not a question of color but of know-how.

Calories in beer: between myths and facts

Factors that really influence caloric content

Contrary to popular belief, the caloric content of a beer does not depend solely on its color or alcohol content. Rather, it is the mastery of the brewing process that determines the final balance. Stirling , a gluten-free Pale Ale at 5.3%, perfectly illustrates this philosophy. It offers an explosion of citrus fruits while remaining perfectly balanced, proving that a beer can be both tasty and light.

New alternatives without compromising on taste

Innovation in craft brewing now makes it possible to offer light beers without sacrificing flavors. Diversion , a non-alcoholic IPA with pronounced tropical notes, is revolutionizing the codes. With only 0.5% alcohol, it offers a complete taste experience that has nothing to envy traditional versions.

Explore the diversity of lightweight styles

The world of craft beer is opening up to a new generation of light beers that defy expectations. Moonshine , a Belgian-inspired white, seduces with its refreshing notes of orange and coriander. Its delicate profile and silky texture demonstrate that a beer can be both light and complex.

The evolution of brewing techniques

Innovation at the service of taste

Modern brewing techniques allow you to explore new taste territories. Double Trouble perfectly embodies this creative audacity. This 8% Double IPA offers a unique sensory journey where notes of mango, papaya and passion fruit blend, enhanced by a subtle touch of Ghost Pepper that brings a controlled heat.

Precision in recipe creation

Malt Capone , a 9% Pecan Stout, exemplifies the precision of modern brewing. This comforting creation boldly marries roasted notes with the sweetness of pecans and vanilla, creating a rich and complex taste experience that goes far beyond dark beer clichés.

Towards a new approach to tasting

The world of craft beer deserves to be explored with an open mind, free from prejudices. Each brew tells a unique story, shaped by the craftsmanship of brewers and their quest for excellence. Yesterday's myths are giving way to a more nuanced and exciting reality, where creativity and innovation allow us to constantly push the boundaries of what is possible.

Today’s craft beers demonstrate that beyond conventional wisdom lies a world of ever-evolving flavors. Next time you enjoy a craft beer, let your senses guide your exploration rather than conventional wisdom. Because the true richness of beer lies not in its color or alcohol content, but in the expertise and creativity that go into its creation.